Separation Equipment Company is proud to participate in the quest for viable renewable fuels by providing centrifuges for the tasks at hand. Separation Equipment Company provided Algae centrifuges for concentration of algae prior to extraction of the fuel, we have also provided Vegetable Oil Separators for Gum separation, and Soap separation after chemical treatments of Sunflower and Canola oils.
- Posted: May 24, 2021Categories: ArticlesRead more »
- Posted: May 24, 2021Categories: ArticlesRead more »
With most major Marine Engine manufacturers seeing the benefits of the plate heat exchanger (PHE); more often than not, the PHE can be found integrated as the OEM cooling system for these propulsion and generator giants. Some of the most popular manufactures employing the plate heat exchanger technology include Caterpillar (CAT), MTU, Cummins, Detroit Diesel, MAN B&W, Deutz and soon to be others. Most of these Plate Heat Exchangers are OEM supplied by Alfa Laval.
Taking into account the number of engines combined with an average plate pack of 30+ per engine; that's a lot of gaskets. You can now order OEM Genuine Alfa Laval gaskets from Separation Equipment Company. We stock the most commonly used plate heat exchanger gaskets for the Caterpillar & MTU engine sets. Whether you need a complete set for the MTU series 2000, 4000, or the CAT engine C9, C18, C30, C32, 3508B,
- Posted: May 24, 2021Categories: ArticlesRead more »
Separation Equipment Company has been selling the Alfa Laval plate heat exchanger since it's inception in 1981. Starting in 2005, SECO has been building the Alfa Laval models M3-FG, M6-FG, M6-MFG, M10-BFG & M10-MFG at their Tampa facility. This capability allows SECO to provide quick deliveries and local support for sizing & PHE spares.
Recently, SECO has sized and supplied three (3) shipsets for a total of (9) units of what is called the "Combi-Cooler" for a large Caterpillar dealer located in Florida. The Combi-Cooler uses one common frame for two separate cooling duties. This application was for cooling the Aftercooler section 1st and then the Jacket Water section using a common stream of Seawater. The M10-MFG Combi-Cooler for this application employs Titanium plates for optimum corrosion resistance.
- Posted: May 24, 2021Categories: ArticlesRead more »
Those who work in different industries appreciate the significance of Alfa Laval parts. This is because they have earned a well-deserved reputation through the years when it comes to the production of spare parts that are trustworthy. The result is that those who depend on them for use in different equipment know how important they are for applications which affect the lives of millions of individuals throughout the world on a daily basis.
It's not challenging to appreciate why Alfa Laval parts are important. It's also not difficult to understand why Separation Equipment is a dealer that you can trust. Take a few minutes to visit their Web site at, and you will soon see why they have also earned a well-deserved reputation as a full-service distributor of fluid separators, centrifuges, plate heat exchangers and watermakers for the marine, food and beverage, and industrial fluids industries.
Why is Alfa Laval so important? The answer begins with
- Posted: May 24, 2021Categories: ArticlesRead more »
Those who work in the industry appreciate the significance of an oil separator. This is because they are used to remove solids from drilling fluids. And although those who already depend on them would never take the equipment for granted, neither should the average individual. This is because if you don't already know why, then you're probably living under a rock because they help with the oil that is needed for transportation, heating and in many other ways.
No, it's not challenging to appreciate why an oil separator is important. It's also not difficult to understand why Separation Equipment is a dealer that you can trust. Take a few minutes to visit their Web site at, and you will soon see why they have gained a well-deserved reputation as a full-service distributor of fluid separators, centrifuges, plate heat exchangers and watermakers for the marine, food and beverage, and industrial fluids industries. And Separation Equipment is eager to provide
- Posted: May 24, 2021Categories: ArticlesRead more »
Those who work in different industries appreciate the significance of a plate heat exchanger. The result is that those who depend on them for use in different boilers never underestimate just how vital that they are in boilers that benefit the lives of millions of individuals throughout the world on a daily basis.
Why is a plate heat exchanger so important? The answer is obvious for experts. But in layman's terms, the simplest answer is that it's a type of heat exchanger which uses metal parts to transfer heat between two fluids. But what is significant about that? The answer here is that it's a major advantage over conventional heat exchangers because fluids are exposed to a larger surface area because they are spread out over the plates.
It's not challenging to appreciate why a plate heat exchanger is important. It's also not very difficult to understand why Separation Equipment is a dealer that you can trust. Take a few minutes to visit their Web site
- Posted: May 24, 2021Categories: ArticlesRead more »
There are pieces of equipment used in some industries that must offer precision every time someone requires their use. This is why many use an Alfa centrifuge rather than other names in the market. For some it is a matter of having products or projects completed on time, while for others it is a matter of requiring top efficiency. Naturally, for some industry uses, the Alfa centrifuge will be called upon to do both. In looking at the work required it could be difficult for some shops to decided on the best part and how it should work.
Companies that wish to remain at peak efficiency themselves understand that cost, and innovation most both be considering in finding the right parts that will work well. When a company has decided on an Alfa centrifuge it has already made a good choice, but there still are those two other factors still to consider. Cost for the right Alfa centrifuge must be considered, and how well it can be used to fit the needs of the business should be a matter
- Posted: May 24, 2021Categories: ArticlesRead more »
There are pieces of equipment used in some industries that must offer precision every time someone requires their use. This is why many use an Alfa centrifuge rather than other names in the market. For some it is a matter of having products or projects completed on time, while for others it is a matter of requiring top efficiency. Naturally, for some industry uses, the Alfa centrifuge will be called upon to do both. In looking at the work required it could be difficult for some shops to decided on the best part and how it should work.
Companies that wish to remain at peak efficiency themselves understand that cost, and innovation most both be considering in finding the right parts that will work well. When a company has decided on an Alfa centrifuge it has already made a good choice, but there still are those two other factors still to consider. Cost for the right Alfa centrifuge must be considered, and how well it can be used to fit the needs of the business should be a matter
- Posted: May 24, 2021Categories: ArticlesRead more »
The best solutions are naturally the one's that specifically fit a businesses needs. A good example of this would be the brazed plate heat exchanger. This is not the type of equipment normally found in many product catalogs, and the needs for such equipment might call details that are also relevant to a special need. It is true that many of the current needs for a brazed plate heat exchanger are related to the devices being smaller, and offering more than average efficiency. Searching for the exact match for the need of this device can be time consuming.
A brazed plate heat exchanger is typically used for refrigerant applications. This can involve evaporators, oil coolers, evaporators, condensers, or subcoolers. These are not the only applications for which a brazed plate heat exchanger can be used for, and in fact new ideas and plans are constant being conceived for which a brazed plate heat exchanger can be utilized. This is true of most types of equipment and especially those
- Posted: May 24, 2021Categories: ArticlesRead more »
There are numerous types and applications for the Centrifuge separator. From trucks to medical applications, this one part is a key component. In finding the right Centrifuge separator it all depends on what the part will be the most useful, it will be necessary for those ordering to be able to understand the current application, and to be able to relate this to a supplier. A supplier typically does not expect someone to call with the part number and product listing, but with the right description of the application of the part, this supplier should be willing to work on locating it.
The Centrifuge separator is based on the idea that the dense materials will displace differently than other materials. Typically, a centrifugal drum will rotate horizontally to equally distribute the centrifuge force. The fields will influences the internal surface of the drum. Materials in the form of slurry are fed into the Centrifuge separator drum with a feeding device, and rotary motions are begun.